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Use up barbecue leftovers – tips & recipes for using up leftovers
February 15, 2022
Who does not know the following situation: The big barbecue party is coming up and the pressure is on to offer guests a decent selection of delicacies? After all, everyone should go home full and satisfied. It quickly happens that far too much is bought, and a lot of sausages, grilled meat, grilled vegetables or grilled cheese are left over. But don't worry, all you need now are delicious recipes from the leftover kitchen, which will make the grilled food that is no longer so juicy shine in new splendour.
Process grilled sausages
Whether small, large, in the form of a snail or on a skewer - the classic on the grill is still the grilled sausage. It can be enjoyed warmed up the next day with delicious sauces and dips or processed into a simple stew.

Best spice blends for barbecue
How to process grilled meat
The day after the big barbecue spectacle, your grilled chicken cut into strips makes a great salad topping! Even simple pasta and pan dishes can be upgraded with the leftover grilled meat.
Process grilled vegetables properly
Still have some vegetables from the day before? No problem, we show you how to properly eat grilled vegetables after your barbecue party!
How to: Process grilled cheese
Grilled cheese is a real enrichment for every grill event! Halloumi is the classic among grilled cheeses, but feta and other grilled cheeses also provide an aromatic taste experience on the grill! If there is any left over, you can use the leftover cheese the following day in a variety of delicious ways.

The right spices for your barbecue leftovers
Whether you want to process meat, vegetables or grilled cheese: Our varied selection of spices and spice blends will ensure that you’ll always have the right seasoning! Try our Meat & Roast Seasoning or Vegetable Allrounder for the best results.
Get to know more about grilling: Our quick guide
Do you want to know more about the perfect grill for your next barbecue, which accessories you really need or which temperature is best for which meat? Then you should definitely read our quick guide on the best barbecue which can be found here.